Monday, January 21, 2013

Drops of Awesome


I just read a blog post by Kathryn Thompson whose blog is entitled "The Daring Mom" that was truly inspiring to me (Thank you Tracy for sharing it with me).  I would encourage you all to read this to really get a feel for her thoughts on Drops of Awesome.   Basically her idea (inspiration) in a nutshell is that as we do things in our life that are good we should acknowledge it and let it encourage us to continue the good and not let thoughts of doubt and discouragement fill our lives.  She give some real life examples of things that she does and the thoughts that creep in.  It was so real for me because I do it all the time.
For me this is a real life example of something I did today that I tried "Drops of Awesome" on.  My daughter, Pumpkin, got sick a few nights ago and threw up on her floor.  It was yucky.  In my half daze, because it was 1:00 am I cleaned it up the best I could and put both of us back in bed.  Well today as I went into their room I could still smell that it wasn't quite clean enough.  So I got out the Kirby and Wet cleaned the carpet.  It felt so good and now it smells again lovely in their room.  Because I just read this article I really wanted to focus on the good I did.  I have to admit their was a few thoughts in my mind of, "look how much junk came out of this carpet, I can't believe you haven't cleaned this carpet once since you have moved in this house.  But I quickly remembered her thoughts of "Drops of Awesome" and said self, you have done a great thing in getting this room clean.  I want to keep this up and do another room next week.  It didn't take all that much time and it really felt good to get a deep clean in that room.
Do you find yourself being critical of yourself and letting thoughts of negativism come into your life even when you are doing something good and trying to be a good Mom?  Then this post is just for you.  Just as it was for me!
Just from me to you, You are an amazing Mom!  You do so many things that are Awesome!  Keep it up!  Keep smiling and being a great example of awesome to your kids.  Remember that you are not perfect and are not expected to be.  Christ will make up the difference for you!  Keep him close to your heart and he will fill up the rest of the cup when you are filling empty!  I know he will because he does for me so often.
Keep the Faith!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Free At-home Preschool Program

Free Preschool in Utah

Do you have a child who will be starting Kindergarten in the Fall of 2014?  Listen up!
The Upstart Program is now recruiting for preschool students for the next year.  Upstart is a Utah state-funded, computer-based preschool program that will prepare your four-year-old for kindergarten with a fun start in reading, math, and science in just 15 minutes a day.
The program is Free and it provides COMPLETE lessons in beginning reading, math, and science.
Your child will love the Easy-to-use books, songs, and activities.
The quality of the program is topnotch.
There is limited openings so Go Online or Call Now (1-800-669-4533)to register for your child who will be starting Kindergarten in Fall 2014.
You may also qualify for the use of a free computer and internet service.
I have had two children do this preschool program and have loved it.  I'm planning on buying the software so I can continue using it with my children and my preschool students.  I do believe that it will academically prepare your child for kindergarten but the social aspect and listening to another adult in a class room setting is just as essential as the academic part.  So if you can I would do both, the upstart program and preschool.

My other posts about Upstart Program for more information (I must really like this program!):
Post 1
Post 2
Post 3

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Winter Outside Play-Prevention of Getting the Winter Blues

It is so cold right now where we live.  When we wake up it's sometimes below zero or maybe pushing 3 degrees.  I got a newsletter from Child Care Resource and Referral a little while ago and I got some great information on outside play for children I thought would be good to share.

The long cold days of winter can take a toll on caregivers and children alike.  We can all get bored and cranky if we are cooped up too much.  Playing outside even for just a few minutes everyday can help get rid of cabin fever and get the wiggles out.  Here are some great benefits to outdoor play:

  • The outdoor environment permits noise, movement and great freedom for children
  • Outdoor play relieves stress and reduces anxiety
  • Physical activity increases physical strength and coordination
  • Playing outdoor in cold weather does not cause illness in children.  Colds, flu and illness are caused by viruses and bacteria.  Children confined in warm, closed up rooms with several other children have greater exposure to germs
  • Physical movement increases self-confidence and competence is developed
  • Frequent exposure to fresh air, exercise and sunshine increase children's general fitness and resistance to infections (follow red air guidelines for when to keep children inside)
  • During active play outdoors, the viruses and bacteria are dispersed into a larger, more mobile air space decreasing the risk of spreading to others

(Source:  Michigan Child Care Matters Issue 70)

I really see a difference when we get outside or not in the mood of my children and I.  One thing we like to do is get out after dinner and just go around the block with the family and the dog.  Find some time everyday to get outside and see if it makes a difference for you.