Friday, April 3, 2009

Why create this blog?

Last week I was in search of a blog about raising children.  Something I could get some info on lots of different topics.  I couldn't see anything that struck me.  So I decided I would start my own.  If only just for myself.  Most of my close friends know that I read more books about children and parenting then I do novels.  I really like to get different views and ideas.  I find when I'm in a parenting pickle I often remember something I've read or heard and it will help me.  So I think the more I keep reading I'm just adding to this reservoir of knowledge and inspiration.  I'm hoping with this blog I can share things as I learn and maybe someone else will be helped as well.  You may totally disagree with something I've tried.  I think that's great, I would love to see what works for you.  No child is the same, so share what works for you.  I hope this can be a place we can learn together how to be better parents.  Children are worth it was something I thought of today because I think we could go the easy out and be permissive parents who let their children get away with a lot.  But is that the best way that will teach them and guide them to be successful adults?  I don't think so.  Parenting can be down right exhausting but I say Children are worth the effort!
My goal is to do one post a week on a different parenting issue.  I may find a chapter in a book I'm reading and discuss that.  If you have something you would love to hear about.  Let it be made known and I'll see what I can do.  


  1. I love to read parenting books too. It's always good to refresh what you learn. I'll have to link this site too, I always like to hear other parents advice.

  2. Have you looked at this one? I really like it. She's actually right up by you guys in Logan. VERY helpful! I'm excited to see what you have to say too!

  3. Congratulations on starting this blog. I read your comment on Snuggy Bug and the problem is fixed. So sorry for the inconvenience, have a great day.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love it! I read books on this topic a lot too and pick and choose the things that work for me. Funnily enough, it seems my girls switch tricks as soon as I think I have it figured out. I'm learning I need to think REALLY long term as we take this journey together. I agree - Children ARE worth it!

  6. Hey Heather, I tried to post a comment on your newest post but it didn't have a link to comment. I haven't read that book but it sounds like a great one. The one I've been reading is called Everyday Parents Raising Great Kids. It's by James D. MacArthur. The thing I like about this book is that it tries yo get you to think about your way of parenting. You rate yourself on questions like I am Mild or I am stubborn and write the effect you have on your family. There are a ton of questions trying to figure out how you parent and where you got your parenting skills from (Mom or Dad, others) I hope that makes sense. I wish Kevin and I were a little better on the weekly dates but were not in a swap group anymore so it's getting expensive to get babysitters. We probably go out every other week.


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